

Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)

Visual Resources Association

Visual Resources Association Foundation

Association of Architecture School Librarians

Art Libraries Society of North America – Midstates Chapter

Visual Resources Association – Midwest Chapter

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions


ARLIS/NA Annual Conference

Visual Resources Association Annual Conference

Midwestern Art Catalogers Discussion Group

Zine Librarian (un)Conference

National Diversity in Libraries Conference

Library Technology Conference


Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources & Image Management

The Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources and Image Management (SEI) is a joint project of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) and the Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF). SEI seeks to provide information professionals with a substantive educational and professional development opportunity focused on digital imaging, the information and experience needed to stay current in a rapidly changing field, and the opportunity to create and be part of a network of supportive colleagues.

Visual Resources Association’s Emerging Professionals and Students Group

The Visual Resources Emerging Professionals and Students group exists as a special interest group of the Visual Resources Association. Its purpose is to be a supportive forum and resource for image management professionals with less than 10 years of experience. Therefore, VREPS is committed to the dissemination and promotion of employment, professional development, and networking opportunities specific to the needs of new professionals and students. VREPS will foster an environment in which questions and information may be exchanged freely.


THATCamp stands for “The Humanities and Technology Camp.” It is an unconference: an open, inexpensive meeting where humanists and technologists of all skill levels learn and build together in sessions proposed on the spot. An unconference is to a conference what a seminar is to a lecture, what a party at your house is to a church wedding, what a pick-up game of Ultimate Frisbee is to an NBA game, what a jam band is to a symphony orchestra: it’s more informal and more participatory.



ARLIS/NA Conference Travel Awards

Funding opportunities for members and non-members who wish to attend the ARLIS/NA Annual Conference.

VRA Conference Travel Awards

The Visual Resources Association offers several awards to assist member attendance at the VRA Annual Conference. Several Tansey Awards are offered each year along with Corporate Travel Awards, New Horizon awards, named individual donor awards, Top-Up awards and student awards. (Please see Types of Awards and announcements on VRA-L for more information.) The goal of the Travel Awards Program is to encourage and support conference attendance by both new members/conference attendees and veteran members/attendees.

VRA Midwest Travel Award

The Visual Resources Association Midwest Chapter announces the availability of Travel Award(s) from a pool of $500, to provide support for current VRA Midwest members attending the ARLIS/NA and VRA Joint Conference in Seattle, WA, from March 8th-12th, 2016. The $500 may be allocated to more than one recipient, and may be awarded to a recipient of a travel award from the national organization as a supplement to those funds. Applications should be sent to me ( by January 31st, 2016. Award recipients will be notified by February 5th.

William C. Bunce ARLIS/NA-Midstates Travel Award

This travel award is given in honor of William C. Bunce, who served as the Director of the Kohler Art Library at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1966 to 1999. The award supports the professional development of a chapter member by partially funding attendance at the annual ARLIS/NA conference. Only ARLIS/NA-Midstates Chapter members are eligible for the award. This year (2016) the amount of the award is $300. The award will be granted based on one or more of the following criteria: financial need; level of chapter participation; first-time attendance; and contribution to the conference.

The Samuel H. Kress Foundation Scholarships for SEI

The Samuel H. Kress Foundation is generously sponsoring six scholarships for SEI 2016. Kress Scholarship recipients will each receive $833 to help cover tuition, accommodations, and minor incidentals. Kress Scholarship applications are due by Friday, February 12, 2016. Recipients will be notified no later than Friday, March 11, 2016.
To apply for the 2016 Kress Scholarship, please submit a resume or curriculum vita and a brief essay describing the effect attending SEI will have on your studies or careers. Submit your application materials via e-mail in a single document (PDF preferred), using the following file naming convention: LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_KRESS2016
Please e-mail your application to SEI Co-Chair Greta Bahnemann at:
All applications will be evaluated by SEI co-chairs based on the criteria established for the award and any additional directions from the Kress Foundation staff. Following the workshop, each Kress Scholarship recipient will be asked to write a report detailing how they benefitted from SEI and the scholarship.

The Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) Internship Award provides financial support for graduate students preparing for a career in visual resources and image management. The award grants $4,000 to support a period of internship in archives, libraries, museums, visual resources collections in academic institutions, or other appropriate contexts. The recipient will receive a stipend of $3,000 for 200 hours completed at the host site. A professional development component of $1,000 supports conference attendance or attendance at the Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources and Image Management. The recipient will receive a one year complimentary student membership in the Visual Resources Association.

VRAF Professional Development Grant

The purpose of the VRAF Professional Development grant is to support professional development in the field of visual resources and image management. The grant can be used to attend a visual resources-related professional development opportunity of the grantee’s choosing (such as an association conference, symposium or workshop), or to enroll in relevant research activities (such as hands-on field work). In recognition of the differing professional development needs for an emerging professional versus the established career professional, two awards will be funded. One grant will be awarded to a student or new professional with up to five years of experience in the field, and the other grant will be designated for a career professional with six or more years of experience. At the discretion of the VRAF Board and with approval of the applicant, an application may be moved to a different category that better fits the experience criteria.

The VRAF Professional Development Grant advances the VRAF mission to raise awareness of critical issues for effective digital information management (including intellectual property and copyright); to encourage the application of professional standards, innovative technology, and metadata cataloging protocols; and to facilitate workplace training. The VRA Foundation supports a range of educational offerings to help ensure that such information reaches a diverse, global audience.

Resources for Data Structure, Data Content, & Data Value Standards:

Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)

Categories for the Description of Works of Art from the Getty Research Library (CDWA)

Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO)

Getty Vocabularies

Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)

Getty Thesaurus for Graphic Materials – Subject Terms (TGM 1)

Getty Thesaurus for Graphic Materials – Genre and Physical Characteristics Terms (TGM 2)


Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS Resources) 

Union List of Artist Names (ULAN)

Visual Resources Association (VRA Core)